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The Best Direction to Sleep In: Everything You Need to Know

The Best Direction to Sleep In: Everything You Need to Know


Aoife O.
Jun 29, 2020

You’ve got yourself the coziest side sleeper mattress and pillows you could find, soft and comfortable sheets and comforter, you’ve even taken to some nighttime meditation before hitting the pillow but you remain sleepless, how can this be?

Feng Shui, ancient Chinese geomancy, is the art of balancing nature with your environment for a clear flow of energy throughout the home. The same principles apply to you, as a natural being seeking a balance of energies (you and your environment), this is considerably more apparent in your bedroom.

If your place of rest and recuperation is not balanced; full of electronics, lack of fresh air and sunlight, no plants or pets, too hot or too cold, you may have disturbed and tiring sleep. The Indian tradition of Vastu Shastra is quite similar to Feng Shui but is more concerning your sleep position than how items are placed around your home.

Let’s learn more about sleeping position Vastu and if changing your sleeping direction could bring you more restful nights.

Does Your Sleeping Direction Matter?

Sleep is vital to your overall health and wellbeing, it’s when your body repairs itself, stores memories, and energizes your mind and body for another day of activity.

Vastu teaches that your sleeping direction ought to be in correlation with the magnetic pull of the earth. You are surrounded by energy and you are made of energy, striking a harmonious balance with the flow of energy and being mindful of your sleeping direction could bring some surprising benefits.

Sleeping Facing North

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, sleeping with head facing north could be why you’re sleeping badly. As a magnetic being, sleeping with head facing north is like 2 magnets repelling each other as your head is pointing at the positively charged North Pole. This causes stress and illness by disrupting blood circulation.

In Hindu tradition, the soul exits the body by heading North. The deceased will always be pointing North until cremation takes place but if you fancy some lucid dreaming, sleeping with your head pointing North is the way to do it.

Sleeping Facing East

The most favorable sleep direction is east, it increases concentration, memory, and brings quality sleep that makes you feel refreshed. Your head direction while sleeping east is a source of power in Vastu. It is a sleeping direction that is recharging and can help you resolve inner conflicts by allowing your body to experience full rest and recuperation.

Sleeping Facing West

If you’re sleeping with head facing west you could be a success-driven person, striving for wealth and fame. In Vastu, guest bedrooms have the bed facing west so the guest will have restless sleep and not overstay their welcome. Sleeping facing west may not suit everyone as facing east does.

Sleeping Facing South

Sleeping facing south is a favorable sleeping direction. Equally favorable as seeping east, you could experience deep sleep by sleeping with your head pointed south. Energy will pour into your body, clearing any emotional clutter and filling you with happiness and restful sleep.

Which Direction Should You Sleep Scientifically?

If you’re in the northern hemisphere the best direction to sleep scientifically is east. Living in harmony with your environment is the essence of feng shui sleeping direction, feng shui bed direction, and sleeping position Vastu.

Ancient Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra traditions are still in place today because living in a peaceful balance with nature is part of our shared human heritage. Sleeping direction science indicates a head pointed east will allow blood circulation to flow freely.

You may have heard of the sleeping facing north myth. However, a Hindu tradition is to place the deceased with their head pointing northward because the soul takes this path to heaven. Also, your head is positively charged and the north pole is too, so you may get nightmares, insomnia, and other sleep disorders with your head pointing north.

Best Sleeping Direction and Other Healthy Sleeping Tips

  • Keep electronics out of the bedroom
  • Allow fresh air to flow through your bedroom every day
  • Clear all clutter from your room, especially under the bed
  • Bring some green houseplants into your bedroom, bringing nature inside will have a calming effect
  • If you can see your reflection in a mirror while sitting in bed, move the mirror or cover it at night
  • Don’t sleep with the soles of your feet pointing at the door, this is how a corpse is brought out of a room and considered a bad luck position
  • Invest in a quality mattress, bedding, and pillows


If your bed facing north, you may find your sleep disturbed, you may suffer from insomnia or other sleep disturbances. Alternatively, sleeping with head facing south is a positive sleeping direction and could fill you with energy and happiness. Avoid sleeping north to south while sleeping east to west is acceptable.

Removing clutter from your bedroom, donating clothes and things you no longer use, frees up space in your room that can be filled with plants. Green plants and lavender are a glorious energy source for a home. Clearing clutter makes you feel good by giving you a fresh start.

Some may consider sleeping direction to be inconsequential but you have nothing to lose by giving it a try. Moving furniture around and clearing clutter can give a home a new lease of life and above all, help you sleep better. How can anyone say no to that?

Disclaimer: Nolah does not provide medical advice. All resources on the Nolah blog, including this article, are informational only and do not replace professional medical counsel. Talk to your doctor about any health, mental health, or sleep-related issues.

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